Exhaust cabinet verification and testing service

Chemical exhaust cabinets are often used in school laboratories at all levels, factory-side laboratories, or process production lines. The extraction efficiency and protective efficiency of chemical exhaust cabinets have a significant impact on the health and life safety of users. Advanced countries in Europe and the United States have established detailed specifications for the performance testing of chemical exhaust cabinets and have been well-established for many years. In view of the immediate consideration of chemical exhaust cabinets for the safety of users, the Council of Labor of the Executive Yuan has also studied and planned to refer to the current testing methods of chemical exhaust cabinets in Europe and the United States, and formulate methods that meet the needs of domestic use to standardize chemical exhaust cabinets. SGS has established a series of related test methods in accordance with European and American methods to provide the most complete chemical exhaust cabinet performance testing.

Chemical exhaust cabinet performance verification / type certification

  • Surface velocity measurement (EN-14175, ASHRAE 110)
  • Flow field visualization (EN-14175, ASHRAE 110)
  • EN-14175 – 3 static test
  • EN-14175 – 3 dynamics test
  • EN-14175 – 3 interference test
  • ASHRAE 110 static test
  • ASHRAE 110 dynamics test
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