Allion USA-SGS | Jim Wang

For all computer users, the mouse is a one of the most highly used computer accessories. The mouse’s performance will determine a person’s work efficiency and even mood since we use them for hours each day.

If a mouse has too many deficiencies, this drastically decreases the user’s satisfaction in the product. Based on our test experiences, the following are some common problems listed for your reference.

  1. Short Battery Replacement Intervals
    Through testing, we discovered that some computer mice require frequent battery replacements—as much as once every 3–4 weeks. Although the mouse regains its full capability once the battery is replaced, high-power consumption makes long-term usage impossible. When the mouse just happens to run out of power late at night when you’re in the middle of work or gaming with no backup battery, such frustrations will definitely leave a bad taste in the user’s mouth.
  2. Difficult Battery Installation
    We often found that the battery installation labels are not clear enough for many computer mice, giving users a difficult time installing them correctly. Moreover, some battery slots are too narrow, hardly wide enough to insert or remove the batteries, inconveniencing the user even more.
  3. Damaged Package Contents
    When people finally receive a brand new mouse and unbox the package in excitement, seeing the included batteries out of power or leaking due to humidity significantly damages user experience. The buyer can become irritated when not receiving what was promised as part of the package, developing deep disappointment with the brand.
  4. Loud Rolling/Clicking Noises
    Everyone has a different tolerance to the rolling and clicking sound of the mouse. However, most mouse vendors don’t offer the chance for a consumer to try out the device before purchase. If the rolling or clicking noises turn out to be excessively loud, the user may develop negative feelings toward the product.
  5. Poor Mouse Performance
    While mouse performance may have started out smooth and agile, cursor unresponsiveness, sudden movements across the screen, or latency issues which persist after replacing a battery crush all trust in a brand. Feeling deceived, the consumer may reject the brand for a long time.
  6. Failure in Wireless Pairing
    The greatest advantage of a wireless mouse is that it can be connected to different computers without being limited by the time or place. However, pairing abnormalities may occur on certain computers or operating systems, which results in failure to pair between the mouse and USB dongle stemming from compatibility issues or flawed design. Although such incidents are quite rare, they are still frusutrating enough to ruin the user’s experience.
  7. Fragile Product Material
    Many products strive for lighter designs, but when flimsy material is used, especially with the battery cover, the product can break easily, causing damaged battery covers or misplaced batteries.
  8. Complex Configuration Interfaces
    Gaming mice have shortcut keys for quick operations, supported by the included software. However, based on our own experiences, some configuration interfaces are too complex, or the descriptions are too hard to comprehend, forcing users to familizarize themselves with the interface and language.

There is an endless list of minor issues that may not disable the original function and performance of a mouse, but will negatively influence the consumers’ trust in the brand as well as their desire for the next purchase.

However, brands can benefit greatly if professional UX testing has been conducted on the products at the early design stage or before launching. Allion USA-SGS can provide

What does professional UX testing include?

  1. Unboxing experience testing
  2. Operation experience testing
  3. Function and operability testing
  4. Accidental operation and mistake recovery testing

If you have these needs, Allion USA-SGS will offer you a demo of the comprehensive testing for your product.

Take the Next Step

If you are interested in UX testing and want to know more, the Allion USA-SGS team is at your service! Learn more about our UX test service by filling out an inquiry form or emailing us directly.